Thursday, 8 May 2008

Coldstreamers Return from Afghanistan

On Saturday 26 April I was privileged to visit Winsdor, and to witness the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards excercising their right to march through the town of Windsor after returning home from their recent service in Afghanistan. With the upmost pride both as a Coldstreamer and civvy I watched with admiration at what these guys had achieved whilst in theatre.
Whilst no lives had been lost, some casulaties had sustained serious injuries. This however, did not detract from the fact that the Battalion saw fit to have these guys attend and lead the parade throught the town of Windsor. Some of the guys had only just returned the night before this parade took place.
Attendence for this parade was absolutely superb with literally thousands in attendence along the route. The recognition from the public, former members of the regiment and civic dignitries and most of all the families was truly humbling. I watched with pride children holding placards with photos of their respective fathers returning home to a hero's welcome.

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